About Frank Kern

Frank Kern is the creator of Behavioral Dynamic Response which is an automated marketing method that speeds up your sales cycle by customizing your marketing messages based on your prospect’s behavior. 

He is also the creator of Intent Based Branding which is a method of advertising that causes prospects to know, like, and trust your business before you ever try to sell them something.

He helps eight and nine figure businesses sell more stuff and make more money using better marketing.

Reasons You Should Not Be Here

Hi, I’m Frank Kern. 

Surely, you have something better to do instead of reading this "about Frank Kern" page.

But since you're here ...

Let's go.

I always love the “about me” page on websites like this because they’re written in the third person …even though they’re typically written by the the owner of the site. 

So after Frank Kern made several attempts to sound smarter than he really is by writing about himself in the third person, he quickly abandoned that approach and decided to write this page like it was a letter to a friend. 

Anyway – what do you want to know?

I’m guessing that’s not the kind of stuff you’re looking for. 

You’re probably wondering... 

Is This Guy Worth My Time & Attention? 

For many readers, my answer is NO.

I’m 52 years old. I live in California with my wife, Natalia. 

We have four kids,  and a dog named Dolce.

I’m 44 years old. I live in San Diego with my wife, Natalia. 

We have four kids, two bunnies, and a dog named Charlie Murphy.

I’m guessing that’s not the kind of stuff you’re looking for. 

You’re probably wondering... 

Is This Guy Worth My Time & Attention? 

For many readers, my answer is NO.

Here’s why:

I can not help you get rich quick.

For some reason, people equate “sell products on the Internet” to “get rich quick”. 

I get it. That’s what attracted me to the Internet in 1999 (more on that later). 

I thought it would be easy money and I’d have thousands coming in every day … on autopilot.

Well, it wasn’t easy money.

I do have consistent revenue coming in every day …often on auto pilot …but it took lots of work, frustration, and perseverance to get there.

…And it still takes work to keep it all running. 

So if you’re not prepared to commit to roughly ten times more effort than you’re expecting, I’m not your guy.

If you don’t want to advertise, you’re not going to enjoy my stuff.

No, I don’t sell advertising. But here’s why I’m telling you this. 

Start going down the “Internet Marketing” rabbit hole, and you’ll see all kinds of ads and articles about free traffic, how to get rich by having other people promote your product, and all kinds of hype on the “latest loopholes” for “gaming the system”. 

Does some of it work? 

Probably. In the short term. But if you rely on that, you don’t have a business. You have an income stream that’s supported by an unsustainable gimmick. 

And that is a waste of time. If you want to waste time go see a movie. It’s more fun.

If you’re looking for “The Easy Way”, I don’t want to help you.

It’s important you understand what I’m telling you. 

I can help you, I just won’t. I’m capable of it, but I refuse to do it. 


Because when I hear someone say, “What’s the easiest way”, what I’m really hearing is, “I’m not fully invested in the long term success of my own business …and am therefore not fully invested in the long term success of my customers.” 

And that really translates to “I don’t want to work”. 

Look, selling things on the Internet is HARD WORK.

Yes, when it’s all up and running, it can be just like you imagined: Passive revenue and money while you sleep. 

But that takes HARD WORK to create and it takes HARDER WORK to maintain.

Ok that's about it.

There's not much else to say, really.

Get to work.


Copyright © Frank Kern 2024

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