
Mass Conversion

Price: $2,997

Level: Beginner to Intermediate

Mass Conversion is a four-week online

training that shows you how to:

Info Business Blueprint

Price: $2,997

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Info Business Blueprint is a five-week

online training that shows you how to:

Client Acquisition System

Price: $3,997

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

The Client Aquisition System is a five week online class specifically for consultants, coaches & professional service providers.

During this class, you'll learn:

Ultimate Webinar Blueprint

Price: $2,997

Level: Beginner to Intermediate

Ultimate Webinar Blueprint is a 28 day

online class that teaches how to create high-content webinars that also sell.  

During this class, you'll learn:

"The real secret to success is to get out there and work like hell.”